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Regulate your tirepressure by IsoBus

Electronics in the tractor - a joy for some farmers when nothing more has to be done by hand, for others simply superfluous because it used to work without it.

One reason for the frequent rejection of these applications is that there is usually space for a large number of different controls and screens for the individual functions and devices in the cabin.

Often these devices cannot communicate with each other, a lot of cables are required and in the end you are very busy with the operation of the individual systems and not with the actual agricultural work.
To simplify this problem, the worldwide standardization of the BUS system (ISO-BUS) was introduced. The aim is to bring the applications and devices to a central interface or to a terminal in the tractor.

As a manufacturer of tire pressure regulation systems for both tractors and trailers, we do not want to oppose this trend. For this reason, in the last few months we have focused our development expertise so that the TerraCare tire pressure regulation system can also be controlled via the central Isobus terminal.

As a result, we can now offer control of the control system for various tractor brands via the IsoBus terminal.

In the course of development, attention was paid to ensuring that operation is simple, intuitive and visually appealing. Nevertheless, the usual three driving areas and various additional functions such as speed monitoring are also integrated in the ISO bus operation.

The first test vehicles have been on the road with the ISO bus control for TerraCare for half a year and are putting them through their paces.

The ISO bus control can also be retrofitted to existing systems and the TerraCare display can be returned to us.

Our developer Michael Preuner will answer any questions about this new control
+43 699 111 099 74 at your disposal!

Isobusoberfläche TerraCare